NPPC opens World Pork Expo by talking about change

IARN — Change was the theme for the opening conference of this year’s World Pork Expo.

Since 1988, the National Pork Producers Council (NPPC) has presented the World Pork Expo. The World Pork Expo started off largely as a promotional event with a few company booths and a live animal show. However, the pork industry has changed immensely since then, so the World Pork Expo and the National Pork Producers Council (NPPC) have had to change with it. Several big changes are coming this year for the NPPC, especially when it comes to branding. NPPC President Terry Wolters said they’ve had to modernize along with the ever-changing pork industry.

The pork industry is constantly dealing with challenges, whether it’s due to labor shortage, disease, or input costs. With the current global conditions, there’s an unprecedented of pressure on the ag industry as a whole. As a result, the NPPC has used a task force to help figure out what they can do to aid the industry and keep it moving forwards. One of their solutions was a voluntary fund, which will allow them to pursue their priorities, like keeping markets open and advocating for new technologies, more deeply. Wolters provided some details on more of the changes that’ll happen this year.

Of course, such big changes require great leadership. Wolters said he believes in NPPC CEO Bryan Humphreys’ ability to lead them forward and embrace this enhanced era of change. Regardless of what changes the pork industry will bring, the NPPC will be prepared to adapt.

For more information on this year’s World Pork Expo, visit

Story courtesy of the Iowa Agribusiness Radio Network.

Photo by World Pork Expo

