Ohio farmer, Linder, excited to lead as NCGA president

IARN — The National Corn Growers Association’s new president began his role on Thursday.

Ohio farmer John Linder will lead NCGA in the new fiscal year. He succeeds Minden farmer Kevin Ross, who is now NCGA Chairman. Linder previously served as the Corn Board liaison to the Market Access Action Team, on the Resolutions Committee and chaired the Finance and Engaging Members Committees. Additionally, he represented NCGA at the National Coalition for Food and Agriculture Research and the National Corn-to-Ethanol Research Center.

In a virtual press conference with farm reporters Thursday morning, Linder said he was more than excited to lead NCGA as the association continues to grow.

“We have a strategic plan and probably the premiere goal on that plan right now is demand,” Linder said. “How could you name anything different in the current environment for which Covid has put us into? It’s sure fun to see the markets responding to the latest USDA report that suggests our stocks are stepping down a bit as we make these great sales. One of my goals, I will do everything in my power to help our industry recover and grow.”

NCGA will continue to focus on renewable fuels, trade agreements, as well as research under Linder’s reign. Linder says another goal is to make sure the national board is on track with looking at everything as NCGA rolls out a recovery plan to everyone’s benefit.

“The board will be engaged in that process,” he said. “I’d like for a lot of people to get to know the board a little bit. I plan on getting them out there and into the countryside, which is kind of difficult in this current environment, so maybe some different types of formats for that to take place.”

Linder, along with his brother, Mike, and wife, Cheryl, run a fifth-generation farm raising corn, soybeans, soft red winter wheat and soybeans for seed in central Ohio.

Story courtesy of the Iowa Agribusiness Radio Network

Photo: New NCGA president John Linder speaks to members of the media over Zoom on Thursday, October 1, 2020.

