Pork Checkoff Ready For 2020 On International Stage

(IARN) — As we enter 2020, we look forward to a clean slate and a fresh start. It is also an opportunity to build on the foundations we already have. This is what the Pork Checkoff is planning to do this year on the international stage. They look forward to getting more bang for your buck in the global marketplace.

Norman Bessac is the Vice President of International Marketing for the Pork Checkoff. He talks about the strength they have in their partnerships with groups like the U.S. Meat Export Federation and others.

He says education is also key to the export market. Especially when it comes to African Swine Fever. It has the Pork Checkoff reevaluating how it conducts international business.

For the rest of this story, including audio with Bessac, visit the Iowa Agribusiness Radio Network.

Story courtesy of the Iowa Agribusiness Radio Network.



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