Precision Planting moves into sprayer technology

IARN — A leading provider of practical and effective precision ag technologies is making its first move into sprayer technology.

This winter, Precision Planting revealed projects focused on improving the operation and data collection of sprayers. Product marketing specialist Andrew Feucht spoke to the Iowa Agribusiness Radio Network at Commodity Classic about their new sprayer technology called “ReClaim.”

“One of the first things we want to do is try to look at some of the issues that a lot of companies aren’t looking at. We know that 50% of our time in sprayers is often spent in maintenance and prep for the actual sprayer pass. This first product we are releasing – ReClaim – is a recirculation system for the boom. It will help with priming and cleanout. The idea being we can get all of their product out at the right rates to the boom before you ever open a nozzle so that we’re not wasting product by dumping it in the ditch, at the edge of a field, or risking weed escapes on the first pass.”

Traditional sprayers require farmers or operators to spray product to the ground to prime the width of the boom fully. Many times, more than 50 gallons of product is sprayed, causing a hot spot of chemicals. With ReClaim added to sprayers, chemicals mixed in the tank can be circulated through the booms and back to the tank, never having to spray a drop of chemical to the ground.

“We’ve talked to a number of growers who say 40-50 gallons dumped on the ground to prime their booms is not uncommon. With input prices where they are right now, that’s a lot of money that we can be saving them.”

Also in their new line of sprayer technologies, Precision Planting has announced a Symphony nozzle control system as well as vision based technology. You can learn more by visiting their website.

Story courtesy of the Iowa Agribusiness Radio Network.

Photo courtesy of Precision Planting

