Vilsack Says Prospects Good For Dairy In 2020

IABRN — The Dairy industry has, unfortunately, been the poster child for the struggles of the American agriculture industry.

They had suffered years of lower prices and challenging marketplaces. Family dairy operations have been closing at an alarming rate. For those still holding on, it was a struggle against time. Fortunately, time has a way of bringing things around. The Dairy industry saw some recovery in milk prices during 2019 and is now entering 2020 with some things to feel good about.

Tom Vilsack was Agriculture Secretary during the Obama Administration and the 40th Governor of Iowa. Now, he is the President & CEO of the U.S. Dairy and Export Council. Vilsack says that higher prices are just the beginning of giving America’s dairy farmers a little “breathing room.”

For the complete article from the Iowa Agribusiness Radio Network CLICK HERE



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