VR Technology Used To Educate Customers Of U.S. Meat Products

IARN — We have been saying for years that the world continues to get smaller. Technology is letting us connect in different ways and allows us to get our message out to a wider audience. If it was not already being more widely adopted, the pandemic has forced us to find virtual ways to connect. The U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF) has been using this technology even before COVID-19 to educate our customers around the globe.

USMEF corporate chef German Navarrete developed a virtual reality meat cutting demonstration using 360-degree video images. The program was developed with the assistance of the USDA Agricultural Trade Promotion Program. It allows Navarrete to train chefs and meat cutters around the globe by letting them virtually cut the meat products.

For more on this story, including comments from USMEF corporate chef German Navarrete, visit Iowa Agribusiness Radio Network.

