Waiting For The Right Planting Conditions

IARN — It’s been dry but cool this week across Iowa and farmers are trying to make that big decision on when to start planting.

Wyffels Hybrids is providing resources to help farmers make those early spring planting decisions. Wyffels Agronomy Manager Eric Wilson says they have been getting lots of questions from producers lately about whether they should be planting right now.

“Kind of the theme that I find myself repeating over and over is it depends on where you are in the state,” Wilson said. “I know we are a little wetter in the southern part of the state, so we have some drying to do, but the northern parts of the state are fairly dry. In fact, some of the areas are still under a drought watch. I think, fortunately or unfortunately, however you want to look at it I think soil conditions are going to be fit to plant probably before we get the temperature needed for good germination and emergence. That can present some challenges on trying to make that decision.”

Wilson says Iowa producers are currently facing the challenge of getting steady temperatures for germination.

“We’re looking for 50 degrees,” Wilson said. “I know the soil temperatures in Iowa are hanging right around 50 degrees right now, but the key would be rising. 50 degrees and rising. We don’t get any active growth if we have temperatures below 50 degrees. Looking at the two-week extended forecast, which I know we have to take that with a grain of salt, it does look fairly dry, but we just don’t have any heat in the two-week extended forecast. That’s concerning.”

Wilson notes the beauty of this current time frame is farmers have time on their side when making their planting decisions. Wilson and Dr. Brent Tharp from Wyffels speak more on this subject in their latest “Corn Convos” video series on YouTube.

Wilson’s full radio interview with the Iowa Agribusiness Radio Network can be heard at the Iowa Agribusiness Radio Network.

Photo courtesy of Wyffels Hybrids
