Clothing & Shoes Tax-Free In Iowa This Friday And Saturday

Statewide, Iowa — Back-to-school shoppers will get a bit of a break during the annual tax-free “weekend” this Friday and Saturday, August 2nd and 3rd.  Although it is commonly referred to as a “weekend”, it is only Friday and Saturday, and not Sunday. Iowa Department of Revenue spokesman, John Fuller…

Fuller says you can purchase some clothing and shoes tax-free. Although this is usually billed as a ‘back-to-school’ event, school supplies are not tax free, only clothing and shoes are tax-free. Other items are fully taxed as usual.

Fuller says he is often asked if the sales tax holiday includes online sales.

He expects a lot of Iowans to take advantage of the event.

Iowa’s tax-free holiday is this Friday, August 2nd, and Saturday, August 3rd until 11:59 p.m.


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