Dirt Work Continues In Preparation For Sheldon High School Project

Sheldon, Iowa — Work continues on the Sheldon Community School District High School Addition and Renovation Project.

We had a chance to check in with Sheldon Community School District Superintendent Cory Myer. He tells us the weather has been great so far.

He says that thanks to the favorable weather, the workers are ahead of schedule.

Myer estimates that we’re probably a month or two away from seeing any sort of structure being built.

He reminds us that it will be a two-year project.

He says the project right now is under budget, so they may be able to afford some other upgrades. A 19-million-dollar bond issue was passed last November. They hope to have the $32.9 million project done for students to start in the fall of 2026.

Myer made his comments this Monday morning on the KIWA Talk of the Town Program, which can be heard on weekday mornings at 8:30 on KIWA-FM 105.3.


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