Exhibit opens at UI displaying the destruction, beauty of wildfires

Iowa City, Iowa – The dead of winter may be the ideal time to take in a new photography exhibit at the University of Iowa called “Facing the Inferno.” It’s a collection of pictures showing the devastating impact of wildfires snapped by Kari Greer, a contract photographer with the National Interagency Fire Center, based in Idaho. Jessica Smith, spokeswoman for the UI’s Pentacrest Museums, says it’s a spell-binding series of images.

Smith says the exhibition captures the striking visual narrative of wildfires through Greer’s lens.

The exhibit opened last week in the Hanson Humanities Gallery at the Old Capitol Museum, and Smith says the collection chronicles the raw intensity of massive wildfires.

She says the collection was assembled in the galley to delve into the evolving role of contemporary photographers, and the ecological implications of wildfires on society. “Facing the Inferno” is considered a timely and essential exhibition for everyone. Smith notes, even Iowans who are far from any wildfires experienced smoke and air quality issues last summer.

Greer will be delivering a free lecture on the Iowa City campus in a few months, likely in late March or early April.

(Photo from the Kari Greer exhibit)

