Grassley Bill To Shield ‘Watchdogs’ From Political Bias Advances

Washington, DC — Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley says a bill he’s co-sponsoring would offer new protections to what he calls the “taxpayers’ watchdogs.”

Grassley says the measure would add the Offices of Inspectors General, or OIGs, to the list of executive agencies whose employees are “further restricted” from engaging in partisan political activity. The bill passed the Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs on Wednesday.

Grassley, a Republican, says his bill’s co-sponsor is Senator Gary Peters, a Democrat from Michigan. Grassley says the efficacy of OIGs depends on their objectivity and the legislation will help to strengthen the ethical guidelines those workers follow.

He says the bill would “seal any gaps that might allow for political influence to creep in and skew OIGs’ invaluable work,” adding, he relies heavily on OIGs in his efforts to carry out Congress’ oversight responsibilities.


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