Grassley Delays Signing GOP Letter To Oppose Biden Funding, Nominees

Washington, DC — Iowa Senator Joni Ernst joined a group of conservative colleagues in vowing to retaliate against the Biden administration for last week’s guilty verdict in former President Trump’s trial.

At least 11 Republican senators have signed a letter so far, promising to do things like oppose President Biden’s political and judicial appointees, and to oppose administration requests for funding increases for anything not directly related to security and public safety. Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley was asked Tuesday if he’d be signing the letter, too.

The letter was written by Senator Mike Lee of Utah and says: “The White House has made a mockery of the rule of law and fundamentally altered our politics in un-American ways.”

Grassley says he needs to carefully review the letter before climbing on board.

The letter was also signed by senators including: Tim Scott, Marco Rubio, Roger Marshall and Josh Hawley, saying “.. .we are unwilling to aid and abet this White House in its project to tear this country apart.”

Link to letter:


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