House GOP ‘Holding Tight’ In Negotiations Over School Spending

Des Moines, Iowa (RI) — House Speaker Pat Grassley says he and other Republicans in the Iowa House are standing firm on their plan to provide more money to K-through-12 schools than Governor Reynolds and Senate Republicans propose.

House Republicans have voted to provide more money to help cover busing costs in geographically large school districts AND a one-time infusion of 22-point-six million dollars to help schools cover expenses that have been pushed higher due to inflation. House Republicans also propose letting smaller school districts share more administrative staff, as well as a general per pupil spending level that’s slightly higher than the two percent increase Governor Reynolds and Senate Republicans propose.

School districts must hold public hearings on budget plans and school boards must adopt a budget for the next academic year by April 30th. Much more delay on passing the aid package could make school budgeting more difficult.


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