House GOP Unveils K-12 Spending Package That’s Higher Than Governor’s, Senate GOP’s

Des Moines, Iowa (RI) — There are now two different Republican plans for state funding of Iowa’s K-through-12 schools.

Governor Kim Reynolds and Senate Republicans have suggested a two percent increase in general state funding, which is based on a per-pupil formula. House Republicans are proposing a two-and-a-quarter percent increase and House Speaker Pat Grassley says there’s more above that to cover other expenses.

House Republicans are proposing a one-time infusion of 22-point-six million in state assistance for public school districts struggling to pay bills.

The House GOP plan also would provide over five MILLION dollars more to cover busing costs and let school districts split up to 25 positions with another district. School districts get a state incentive to have the same person serve two districts in an operations type position, like a superintendent or HR director. The current limit on shared positions is 22. Grassley uses the word “reasonable” to describe the education spending package House Republicans have developed. Democrats say none of the Republicans are proposing enough — and the state should boost per pupil spending on schools by five percent.


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