Iowa’s top voting official releases 18 videos to explain the voting process

This week was National Civic Learning Week and Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate is launching a new series of videos designed to give Iowa voters an in-depth look at the state’s voting process. Pate says the series will cover a variety of topics, including voter registration, registration management, absentee voting, and more.

Pate says the video series is part of an ongoing effort to ensure Iowans turn to his office as the trusted source of all things elections. With a rise in misinformation on social media, Pate says it’s important that Iowans understand Iowa’s elections process and stay alert for false claims.

The series includes 18 separate videos about Iowa’s voting process, while more videos covering topics like Election Day and the tabulation process will be released in the coming months. Find the series here: VotingProcess.Iowa.Gov.


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