KIWA Marketplace for April 19

For Sale:

John Deere lawn mower. It is a 36″ cut. It also has a new battery and has been stored inside. 712-540-8196

1983 Ford van. 712-344-9185

10 Black Jersey Giant hens hatched 5/15/23 $5.00 each 712-348-0921

Craftsman 16 hp lawn tractor with bagger. Have mulching blades on and mulching plate. Extra set of blades. Needs new battery. 300.00 cash, located in Sibley. 712-720-7157

Craftsman 16 hp lawn tractor with bagger. New mulching blades were put on last fall. Also, extra set of regular blades. It does need a new battery. 720-7157

Nine Screen Builders’ windows with screen for a three-season room. Call 712-957-6355 for more information.

Chest freezer. 3.8 CUFT. It is white and very clean and has only been used six months. Asking for $125 obo. 712-584-5859

Used 20″ car tires. 324-1050

Small electric chain saw for $25. Also, an aluminum step ladder for $30. 324-3005 in Sheldon.

Marcum LX 9 stitch finder. It has a flasher and an under water camera. It works great. 470-0985

John Deere #400 15-foot rotary hoe that is in good shape. Asking for $600. IH #470 tandem disc. It has 22″ blades. White steel off a machine shed. Measures 25 feet long X 32″. Also, strong barn galvanized steel that measures between eight and 12 feet long. Take any amount. The seller has 38 white sheets and 50 galvanized sheets. Will compromise on the price. 540-7479.

225 Morgan Silver dollars and 10 2 1/2 Indian gold pieces. 395-0165

Male Astidoodle puppy. 712-541-4991


7 1/4″ Stetson cowboy hat and/or golf cart. 395-0165

Wheel chair ramp for a house. 712-539-0143

Foodie Friday:

It’s National Garlic Day! Here are a few facts about garlic:

  1. Garlic is a Superhero. While actually not an Avenger, garlic does have so many health benefits that it deserves to be considered a superhero.
  2. Obviously, some people eat way more garlic than others, but overall the average person eats about two pounds of garlic each year.
  3. 2/3 of all garlic is grown in China.
  4. When you think of garlic, you think of the bulb, but there’s more to the plant than that and it’s edible. Some varieties produce green shoots called scrapes that are reminiscent of scallion, but with garlicky flavor.
  5. Garlic can ward off blood suckers. No I am not talking about vampires, though that particular piece of lore likely comes from garlic’s true ability as it’s a natural mosquito repellant.
  6. Garlic can make glue. If you’ve ever cut garlic, you’ve probably noticed the sticky residue the juice leaves on your hands. This, actually, works quite well as a bonding agent for small and delicate projects like glass.

KIWA Marketplace for March 7th

For Marketplace Plus: Three captian’s chairs For Sale: 50 gold pieces and rolls of silver. 395-0165 Round bales of hay. Can

KIWA Marketplace for March 4th

For Sale: Fire starters, fishing sinkers and glass insulators for phone polls. 324-3005 Wanted: PTO pump. 712-461-1451 Knowledge Nugget: A survey

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