For Marketplace Plus:
1 male and 1 female silver Labrador puppies
For Sale:

Silver dollars and gold pieces. 395-0165
Walking Liberty 1/2 dollars 230-0238
Stack on safe. It can hold 16 guns and comes with a K lock, but it is not fire proof. Also for sale, small closet safe. It has a combination lock. It is 1×6 by 1×6 and is 2 feet tall. 712-324-2901
Small square grass hay bales; wash line poles and 5-ton wagon gear. 1-712-344-9185
An outdoor black metal 4×4 wood holder. Asking for $75. Call 712-363-2110
Twin axel car trailer. It comes with electric brakes and electric jacks. It also has a nice floor. 712-261-0522
Matthew’s Creed compound bow. It comes with everything, but you will need to get your own arrows. Asking for $60 obo. 470-0985
A good gun collection and a golf cart. 395-0165
Accordion hymn book. 712-470-3811
A couple of lawn items. The first is a wheel rake, or a thatcher for lawns. the other lawn item that is wanted is a rake for walnuts. It is king of like an oval basket. 712-320-1906
Knowledge Nugget:
The earliest stone tools found were developed by early humans at least 3.3 million years ago.