For Sale:

2001 Minn Kota Torova electric trolling motor. It has been authorized and checked and works perfect. 470-2832
Alumacraft Classic Deluxe 16-foot boat. It can be used for a rebuilding project as it has no motor, or trailer. 320-1906
For Rent: A 32X48-foot storage unit. 348-5101
New Idea nine-foot disc mower; A John Deere 3-point rotary hoe; International front end weights and fuel barrels. 1-712-344-9185
2002 Harley Davidson Dyna wide glide. It is a nice bike and is like new. Selling, because the seller is too busy to ride it. It has 8,000 miles on it. Selling for $8,900. It has been ridden very little and is in great shape. Come and check it out. 712-461-0298
Four soybean seed meters. Good for John Deere and Kinze corn, or soybean planters. Asking for $75 a piece. 712-540-7479
Amish oak glider-rocker; oak mantel shelf and vintage small combination safe. 712-330-0052
2005 Road King Harley Davidson and a 2004 Yamaha Zuma moped. 470-0985
Golf cart. 395-0165
For in the house: A range hood, or exhaust fan for a stove. Must be 30″ in width and preferably with an exhaust fan and light. 540-7479
Garage Sale:
Garage sale at 1109 South Third Ave. in Rock Rapids. Open today from now until 6 p.m., or 7 p.m. depending on business. Open again on Thursday from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. and Friday from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. There will be lots of stuff for sale from hunting gear, fishing gear, women’s clothes as well as the 2005 Road King Harley Davidson and 2004 Yamaha Zuma moped that has been on Marketplace.
Garage Sale at 601 Country Club Road in Sheldon. It’s more of a man’s garage sale. This garage sale will have utility ramps, an electric jack hammer, ladders, air compressor with hose real, air finishing mailer, concrete stomper with bull float and handles, and more. Open today and Thursday from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. and Friday from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Free kittens. We will deliver. You won’t have a mouse around. 712-461-0299
Knowledge Nugget:
Scientists estimate that there are at least 50 billion planets in the Milky Way.