Lyon County Demonstration Garden At Fairgrounds Gets Funds To Rebuild

Rock Rapids, Iowa — After being destroyed by flood waters last summer, the Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Demonstration Garden at the Lyon County Fairgrounds has received a grant to rebuild.

The garden project was one recipient of a mini-grant to support food programs throughout the state.

According to the extension service, in the midst of record-setting food pantry usage throughout the state, Growing Together Mini-Grants will provide fresh produce and nutrition education to pantries in 2025 through Iowa State University Extension and Outreach’s SNAP-Education program.

Carly Herum, Lyon County Master Gardener Coordinator, says, “We are incredibly grateful to receive the Growing Together Mini-Grant once again this year. These funds will be crucial as we start the process of rebuilding our garden following the June 2024 flood.”

A total of 27 projects are being funded statewide, with the goal of increasing food security and promoting healthy food access.

Growing Together mini-grants have been funded by the United States Department of Agriculture’s SNAP-Education since 2016. This year, additional funding for Growing Together Iowa was provided by Iowa Total Care. Iowa was the first state to create the Growing Together model, which has been replicated in Nebraska, Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, Michigan, Wyoming South Dakota, and Montana.

Lyon County Demonstration Garden in 2017 (KIWA Staff Photo)


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