Rock Rapids To Flush Hydrants; Check Water Before Doing Laundry, Etc.

Notice from the City of Rock Rapids, Municipal Utilities Department:

Weather permitting, the flushing of the Rock Rapids city water system is scheduled for May 15 – 17. Residents should take care when doing laundry during this time and check water for clarity before using. If necessary, allow some water to run in order to clear it first.

All fire hydrants in the system will be flushed to ensure proper function in an emergency. This also removes any iron and sediment that may have accumulated since the last flushing. Please call the utility office at 472-2511 with any questions.



Local News

Unemployment rate drops in April

The April unemployment rate dropped to two-point-eight percent compared to two-point-nine percent in March. Iowa Workforce Development director, Beth Townsend, says