More Snow Possible For Iowa Tomorrow And Thursday

Iowa — Forecasters say more wintry weather is likely in the week ahead, after a weekend punctuated by an ice storm that coated many areas of the state in ice a quarter-inch thick, which brought travel to a standstill in many communities. National Weather Service meteorologist Mike Fowle says the next storm system will move in tomorrow (Tuesday).

Fowle says forecasters are still trying to gauge the severity of that approaching Thursday storm.

In our area, at last report, the snow chances for Tuesday were lowest in the southeast part of our coverage area, around Sutherland. For Tuesday night, the lowest chance was in the far northwest, near Larchwood, but the highest chance was in the far northeast part of our area near Harris. For Thursday, the best chance for snow at this point is before noon.

The first day of winter is this coming Saturday. The Climate Prediction Center says Iowa could be in for a warm Christmas holiday in nine days, with no mention of snowfall.
