Naig Says Lawmakers Can Look At ‘Guidelines’ For Pipeline

Iowa — Iowa Agriculture Secretary Mike Naig says he’s concerned about what state law says about how crop land and pastures are to be restored after a hazardous liquid pipeline is built.

But Naig says the legislature’s priority should be establishing guardrails and defining terms.

Naig has read through the Iowa Utilities Commission decision granting a construction permit to Summit Carbon Solutions.

But any eminent domain changes would be for projects proposed in the future, not the Summit pipeline. Naig says there could be an upside for the ethanol industry and corn growers if the pipeline’s built.

Naig expects lawsuits will be filed to challenge the state-issued construction permit for the pipline and he says there may be other things lawmakers can learn through that process. Naig made his comments during a recent appearance on Iowa Press on Iowa PBS.


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