Regents increase tuition, give presidents raises

The Iowa Board of Regents approved tuition and mandatory fee increases at the three state universities Thursday, while also giving raises to the presidents of the schools. Undergraduate in-state tuition will increase three percent at the University of Iowa and Iowa State University, and a two percent increase for the University of Northern Iowa. Student leaders spoke before the board voted, including U-I student body vice president Brenda Ramirez.

She says graduating with debt could impact her future work decision.

University of Northern Iowa student body president Elizabeth Montalvo says work needs to be done to address the situation.

Iowa State University student body vice president Quinn Margrett says it is tough for students to try and work to pay their tuition and fee costs.

Margrett says on campus jobs for students are limited to 20 hours per week. The Board of Regents staff says the tuition increase was needed after the Regents requested an increase of 14-point-eight million dollars in general funding from the Legislature and was given 12-point-three million dollars. Margrett says state funding is one of the issues the universities must address to keep college affordable.

Undergraduate tuition will increase by 270 dollars at the U-I and I-S-U, and 168 dollars at U-N-I. Mandatory fees are going up three percent at U-N-I, two percent at the University of Iowa and one-point-three percent at Iowa State University. Tuition and fees for undergraduate students are going up at different rates. The Board of Regents approved raises for the three university presidents after approving the tuition and fee increases for students. Regent David Barker read the proposed increases.

The contract of U-N-I president Nook was extended to 2027 and extended his deferred compensation package that pays 100-thousand dollars annually. The Board also extended the 155-thousand dollar annual deferred compensation contributions for Regents Executive Director Mark Braun for two years, and extended his contract for six years. The increase moves Wilson’s annual salary to 760-thousand dollars, Wintersteen’s moves to 710-thousand dollars, and Nook’s to 397-thousand-110 dollars. Braun’s salary is 154-thousand-300.
