Sheldon City Council To Meet Wednesday

Sheldon, Iowa — The Sheldon City Council will meet in regular session at the Sheldon Council Chambers on the upper level of the Sheldon Community Services Center, across the street from KIWA Radio.

High on their agenda is the swearing-in of new police officer Ryer Daken.

A number of items are on the council’s consent agenda, including the minutes of past meetings, the claims list, a beer permit for Family Dollar, the approval of certain items for Village Northwest Unlimited’s Run Walk and Roll in June, the approval of fourth quarter ambulance insurance adjustments, a resolution setting Hills Park camping fees, a resolution approving the Upper Story Housing Development agreement, and a resolution adopting a public records request policy. The items will all be decided on a single vote unless a council member requests that an item be voted on separately.

In new business, the council will award a contract for the upcoming Western Avenue Reconstruction Project, and a contract for the upcoming 2025 PCC patching project.

The council will also consider the approval of a human resource firm to assist with HR needs.

They will also talk about the budget and recap what they talked about during the recent workshop, and set a special council meeting for a property tax levy hearing.

Again, the meeting will be in the Sheldon Community Services Center at 4:30 p.m. this Wednesday afternoon.


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