Sutherland Implement in O’Brien County Changes Ownership

Regional-O’Brien County Economic and Development Cooperation announced this past week that ownership of the Sutherland Implement plant located at 106 West 2nd Street in Sutherland has changed ownership.

Devon Jones is the new owner of the plant and O’Brien County Economic and Development Cooperation said it is pleased to be a partner in this project through an O’Brien County Revolving Fund Loan. Jones said he is excited to continue providing the same quality agricultural repairs and Manitou/Mustang skid loader parts retailer and dealership services that customers at Sutherland Implement have come to appreciate for many years.

O’Brien County Economic Development, in conjunction with the O’Brien County Revolving Loan Fund Committee, has apporved financing for this business acquisition. The Revolving Loan Fund is used to attract, retain or expand Business and Industry. Revolving loan funds may be used for the following items:

  • Land purchases
  • Building purchases
  • Building construction
  • Machinery purchases
  • Equipment purchases
  • Any other uses deemed apporopriate by the RLF Committee

O’Brien County Economic Development Executive Director Kiana Johnson said that Sutherland Implement has been an important part of Sutherland’s business landscape for the past 48 years. Johnson also noted that O’Brien County Economic Development Cooperation is pleased to assist Mr. Jones in this business purchase and in retaining the only Manitou/Mustang dealer and retailer in O’Brien County.

As the O’Brien County Economic Development Executive Director, Johnson said she is looking forward to a rewarding and successful future for Jones and Sutherland Implement.


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