On today’s Talk of the Town podcast, our guest today is Community Blood Bank Executive Director Ken Versteeg . You can hear today’s Talk of the Town podcast by CLICKING HERE.
Community Blood Bank is holding two blood drives today in Rock Valley. The first is at Hegg Health Center, and continues until 4:00 this afternoon. To schedule your donation call 605-403-7941. The second is at Netherlands Reformed Christian School in Rock Valley, until 3:30 this afternoon. To schedule a donation at that site, call 605-403-7942. The gift of one unit of blood can potentially save three lives, and Community Blood Bank is the sole supplier of blood and blood products to the hospitals in the KIWA listening area.
Talk of the Town can be heard live at 8:30 am Monday through Friday on KIWA-FM 105.3. Talk of the Town is brought to you daily by: Maintainer Corporation; Highway Liquor & Smoke Shop; State Farm Insurance Agent Nicholas Keen; Sanford Sheldon; The Train Station in Alton and Train Station II in Sheldon; Corner Discount; Citizens State Bank in Sheldon and Boyden; and by Northwest Iowa Community College.

Community Blood Bank Executive Director Ken Versteeg (KIWA archive photo)