On today’s Talk of the Town podcast, our guest is John Farrell, President of the O’Brien County Sportsmen’s Club, which is sponsoring tomorrow’s (October 19th) Youth Pheasant Hunt at Crosbie Wildlife & Youth Education Center near Paullina . You can hear today’s Talk of the Town podcast by CLICKING HERE.
Saturday’s Youth Pheasant Hunt, for youth ages 12 to 15, will take place from 8:00 am until 1:00 pm at Crosbie Wildlife & Youth Education Center, at 4270 Roosevelt Avenue in rural Paullina. For more information contact the O’Brien County Conservation Board at 712-295-7200.
Talk of the Town can be heard live at 8:30 am Monday through Friday on KIWA-FM 105.3. Talk of the Town is brought to you daily by: Maintainer Corporation; Highway Liquor & Smoke Shop; State Farm Insurance Agent Nicholas Keen; Sanford Sheldon; The Train Station in Alton and Train Station II in Sheldon; Corner Discount; Citizens State Bank in Sheldon and Boyden; and by Northwest Iowa Community College.

John Farrell, O’Brien County Sportsmen’s Club President (Photo from O’Brien Co. Sportsmen’s Club Facebook Page)