Weekly Iowa DNR Fishing Report for Feb. 29

Regional – Here is this week’s Northwest Iowa Fishing report as released by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources Thursday, February 29.

East Okoboji Lake
The lake is essentially ice-free. The walleye season is closed until May 4Black Crappie – Fair: Use minnows and plastics. Bluegill – Fair. Yellow Perch – Fair: Sorting will most likely be needed.

Ingham Lake
The lake is open in many areas. Walleye – Fair: Anglers have been successful morning and evening. 

Lost Island Lake
The lake is ice-free. Black Crappie – Fair.  Walleye – Fair. 

Minnewashta Lake
The walleye season is closed. Black Crappie – Fair. Bluegill – Fair.  Pumpkinseed – Good.

Scharnberg Pond
Trout were stocked recently. You need a valid fishing license and pay the trout fee to fish for or possess trout. 

Silver Lake (Dickinson)
The lake is ice-free. Walleye – Fair.

Spirit Lake
Unsafe ice conditions. The walleye season is closed until May 4th. Black Crappie – Good: Minnows and plastics work well. Many nice-sized fish have been seen lately. Bluegill – Fair. Yellow Perch – Good: Find good numbers; may need to sort for size.

West Okoboji Lake
Unsafe ice conditions. The walleye season is closed until May 4th. Black Crappie – Fair: Try small jigs tipped with a minnow. Bluegill – Good. Pumpkinseed – Good. Yellow Perch – Fair: Sorting may be needed.

Many smaller and shallower lakes are now open. Unsafe ice conditions on the lakes that still have ice. Continued warm weather should open up most covered lakes in the coming week.  The walleye season is closed on the Iowa Great Lakes until May 4th. For current conditions, call the Spirit Lake District Office at 712-336-1840.

