District Baseball Assignments Announced

Northwest Iowa — Area baseball teams won’t know their destinations or opponents  until the brackets are released but teams do know their district assignments in Class 1A and 2A.

In Class 2A Sheldon has been assigned to District 2 along with Emmetsburg, Estherville Lincoln Central, Okoboji, Sibley Ocheyedan and West Lyon.

Sioux Center, Unity, Cherokee, Hinton, Maple Valley Anthon Oto and OA-BCIG were assigned to District 1.


In Class 1A the assignments shook out this way. In District 1 it’s Central Lyon, Clay Central Everly, LeMars Gehlen, George Little Rock, Harris Lake Park, Hartley Melvin Sanborn, MMC-RU, Trinity and West Sioux.

The rest of the area teams will be in District 2. That group includes South O’Brien, Graettinger Terril Ruthven Ayrshire, Manson NW Webster, Newell Fonda, Ridge View, Sioux Central, Remsen St Mary’s and Storm Lake St Mary’s.

