IATC Week 4 Individual Cross Country Rankings

The latest individual cross rankings are out from the IATC.

Ranked 22nd in the girls 3A rankings is Spencer’s Elisa Fisher.

In the 2A boys rankings, Sioux Center’s Carter Vande Vegte is ranked 10th. Cherokee’s Bryce Kremer is in the eleven spot. Western Christian’s Tage Hulstein is #14. Sioux Center’s Sam Harrison is 15th. E-LC’s Taylor Myers is at 16. Ranked #20 is Dan Schriever from GLR/CL.

London Rogge of Cherokee is ranked #18 in the Girls 2A Rankings.

Will Roder of Gehlen maintains his #2 ranking in the Class 1A boys rankings, and in the girls rankings, Abby Boardman of South O’Brien is in the eleven spot.

For complete rankings CLICK HERE



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