Iowa State Reverses Decision, No Fans Allowed At Home Opener

AMES, Iowa – Iowa State University has decided to change its decision regarding fans at the Sept. 12 home football game.

The game against Louisiana will kick-off at 11 a.m. and television coverage will be provided by ESPN.

Director of Athletics Jamie Pollard said:

“Our department staff and I have worked very closely with Dr. Wintersteen and her leadership team throughout the summer as we jointly developed plans for this fall’s football season. Over the weekend, Dr. Wintersteen gave our working group the approval to move forward with the plans that were jointly developed. Our department announced those plans on Monday, which included allowing fans, who purchased season tickets, to attend the first game.

President Wintersteen shared with me on Tuesday evening that, after weighing feedback she has received from the community, she has decided to reverse the decision. As a result, we will play the season opener without fans.

Our department has always taken great pride in working hand-in-hand with the university and this situation is no different. We are in this together and will do everything we can to support Dr. Wintersteen and her leadership team in their efforts to lead our institution during very challenging times.

Although it is disappointing there won’t be fans at the opener, our institution’s leadership team is still committed to having spectators at future games, if it can done safely. Weighing how our campus community responds to the recent surge in positive COVID cases will be a significant factor as to whether we can have fans at future games. We will continue to monitor the situation closely and make a decision regarding fans for the Oklahoma game (Oct. 3) at a later date.”

Season ticket holders who wish to opt-out of their 2020 football season tickets can login to their account at this link. Once logged in, follow the opt-out instructions displayed on the screen.

