Statewide Iowa — (RI) — Governor Reynolds issued a new Public Health Measure effective on Nov. 11 limiting spectators at youth and high school sports. Only two spectators are now permitted to attend for each athlete. Effective Nov. 11 through Nov. 30th, if more than 25 people are indoors, all spectators over 2 years old must wear masks and maintain 6 feet distance from other spectators. Athletes of any age can be closer than six feet and are not required to wear masks. !–more–>
Starting at midnight, no more than two people per athlete will be allowed to attend basketball games, wrestling matches and other sporting events.
(as said) “With youth activities and high school sports, we want those kids to still have the opportunity to participate because we think that it’s good for them,” Reynolds says. “But those are pretty tight quarters when parents and grandparents and family members come and so therefore we’re going allow them to allow them to participate in sports, but we’re going to limit the spectators to two and you still need to social distance.”
The two-ticket-per-athlete rule will NOT apply to this weekend’s Iowa high school football championships inside the UNI-Dome in Cedar Falls. A spokesman for the governor says masks are already required for the crowd at the venue.