News from the IGHSAU

ighsau2016 Regional Final Softball Games to be Played on Home Fields

Upon recommendation from the IGHSAU Softball Advisory Committee and approval by the IGHSAU Board of Directors, 2016 regional final softball games in all classes (1A – 5A) will be played on the home field of the highest seeded team remaining of the two regional final teams. In order to secure the privilege to host, sites must have adequate lighting, and meet certain other minimum facility requirements. The Committee and Directors believe this is positive step that will increase excitement and attendance at these state qualifying games.

The Board of Directors of the Iowa Girls High School Athletic Union approved a change in soccer classification at its October 21st meeting.

Beginning with the 2016 soccer season; Class 3A will consist of the 40 largest soccer schools; Class 2A will consist of the next largest 48 schools, while the remaining schools will play in Class 1A. Prior to this change, Class 3A consisted of the 32 largest soccer schools while 2A consisted of the next largest 48

