Northwest Iowa I-Club to Host Evening With the Hawkeyes June 30th

hawkkeye logoSpirit Lake Iowa — The Northwest Iowa I-Club will host an evening with the Hawkeyes Thursday June 30th. Sheldon native and Head Wrestling  Coach Tom Brands and Hawkeye Head Men’s Basketball Coach Fran McCaffery will highlight the coaches delegation. Also schedule to appear are Football assistant coach Brian Ferentz and women’s basketball assistant Jenni Fitzgerald.

Hawkeye fans of all ages are encouraged to attend the evening which will include dinner, cash refreshments, coaches panel, door prizes, silent auction and more.  The evening begins with a 5:30 social followed by dinner at 6:15. This years stop will be at Okoboji Classic Cars at 810 Jeppeson Road in West Okoboji. Cost is $30 dollars for the dinner and program. Table of 7 with a University of Iowa personality or a reserved table of 8 can be reserved for $240 dollars.

To RSVP on the web go to You can RSVP in person at Okoboji Classic Cars or via phone at 319-467-3410. Reservation deadline is Monday June 20th.

