Sheldon Middle School Color Run Held Friday

Sheldon, Iowa — This year, the Sheldon Middle School changed up their annual fundraiser from magazine sales. They still offered an online store for magazines, but the primary fundraiser was a color run for the students.

Principal Cindy Barwick told KIWA that for the past 20 years or so the school has sold magazines, but they’ve slowly seen those sales decline. She went on to say that money raised by the annual fundraiser is used for special events for the middle school students. All of the money raised by the students stays local and student planners, as well as all of the expenses for their field trips is taken from the students’ fundraising, including trips to Arnold’s Park, Camp Foster, the Omaha Zoo, tubing at Great Bear, and more.

Barwick says that, while the amount of money generated by their fundraisers each year has remained static, the costs of the field trips have continued to increase regularly. The average annual cost of these events is roughly $12,000, which is the goal that was set for the students. The community’s response to the students was overwhelming, with well over $30,000 being raised. Barwick stated that because of this tremendous support, the students will likely be able to forego fundraising next year.

The color run course began at 2:00 pm on Friday, September 27th, on the south lawn of the middle school, wound its way around the Sheldon Community School Campus, and included obstacles along the way for the students to interact with, including wheelbarrow races, hurdles, army crawling & more, and ended at the visitor bleachers of the football field.

Below are some pictures of the event……….



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