Sibley Ocheyedan State Tournament Notes

Generals girls basketball team plays at state Tuesday night at 8:30pm. This is the schedule through Wednesday:

Monday 12:45 – community pep rally in HS gym.
Tuesday – two-hour early dismissal.
Wednesday – two-hour late start.

Community-Wide K-12 Pep Rally – 12:45 Monday in the HS Gym

We will have State Goodie Bags in the High School Office for any community and staff member who would like to contribute.  There will be 15 bags for players, 4 bags for managers, and 3 bags for the coaching staff.  We will need the goodies by 12:45 on Monday. 

Pep Bus – There will be a sign-up sheet in the HS office for any 9th – 12th graders who are interested in riding a Pep Bus on Tuesday.  The bus and ticket cost for students riding the pep bus is being sponsored by Bow Tie Auto Repair and Shear Magic! The deadline to sign-up will be 3:30 on Monday.

Shirt orders are due by noon Sunday – Sibley-Ocheyedan Girls Basketball 2023 State Qualifying Apparel –

Tickets – General Admission – $10.00. Wells Fargo Arena does not accept checks.  Advance tickets are available for purchase either at the Wells Fargo Arena Box Office, by telephone at 866-553- 2457, or through the Wells Fargo Arena website

More information to come – GO GENERALS!!!

