Party Chair Says Iowa Caucuses A Go Next Monday, Whatever The Weather

Jeff Kaufmann (Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons)

Des Moines, Iowa — Iowa GOP chairman Jeff Kaufmann says the Republican Party’s Caucuses next Monday will start at 7 p.m. — whatever weather Iowa is experiencing at that time.

There are more than 16 hundred precincts in Iowa and each is hosting a Caucus (with some precincts joining up and using one location for more than one precinct). The Republican Party has reserved countless meeting sites around the state for next Monday night and it would be a scramble to rebook or final alternative sites for a different night.

The forecast for next Monday night indicates temperatures will be below zero. Kaufmann says subzero temperatures aren’t likely to dampen turnout as much as an ice storm would.

The Iowa Republican Party’s Caucuses in 2016 set a turn-out record, when about 186-thousand Iowans participated. Kaufmann says he’ll get a sense at Iowa GOP headquarters next Monday — during the day — whether that record will be broken.

Kaufmann says he expects turn-out for the 2024 Iowa Caucuses to be “robust,” if not a record due to the precinct-level organizing he’s seeing from two leading campaigns. — which he’s declining to name.

