Penalties For Trespassing To Hunt In Iowa Are Going Up

Statewide Iowa — The fines for trespassing in order to hunt deer will go up significantly July 1st. The law — and the fines — have been expanded to include trespassing to hunt any wildlife.

The trespasser can be arrested and officers will be able to confiscate animals from hunters who trespass on private property — and assess more fines based on how many animals the hunter has taken. Senator Tom Shipley, a Republican from Nodaway, says it’s a big deal.

Senator Janice Weiner, a Democrat from Iowa City, is skeptical.

Representative Monica Kurth, a Democrat from Davenport, says she doesn’t condone trespassing, but this law seems excessive.

Republican Representative Mike Vondran of Davenport says trespassing is trespassing and the law is needed.

The governor signed the bill into law Friday. It raises the fine to 500 dollars for a first offense of trespassing in order to hunt. It’s currently two-hundred-65 dollars ($265). The fine for a second violation would be a thousand dollars.


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