September 16, 2015

SCAT Tells Council Of Staffing Challenges

Sheldon, Iowa — The Sheldon Community Ambulance Team is looking ahead at potential staffing problems that may be on the horizon, and according to SCAT Director Cindy Freeman, it’s a community

First Owners Of Flooded Homes Receiving Payments

Rock Rapids, Iowa — Owners of some houses in Rock Rapids that were part of the flood buyout program are beginning to receive their money. Several Rock Rapids homes were

Assistance Agency Celebrating Their 50th Anniversary

Graettinger, Iowa — A local agency that helps people all over northwest Iowa is celebrating fifty years this week. Upper Des Moines Opportunity is what’s known as a Community Action

Some Northwest Iowa Schools Without Internet Service

Northwest Iowa — Schools in the northwestern quarter of the state of Iowa that get their internet service through the Iowa Communications Network via Prairie Lakes AEA lost internet service

Street Resurfacing Project Nears Completion

Sheldon, Iowa — Motorists driving on the core streets in downtown Sheldon are noticing a much easier and smoother ride than they’ve experienced the past month or so. A resurfacing

Falling Gasoline Prices Should Continue

Northwest Iowa — Have you noticed that your wallet is a little less empty after filling your vehicle’s gas tank lately?  Gas prices have been falling in recent weeks, and

Methodist Women Establish Adopt-A-College-Student Program

Sheldon, Iowa — The Sheldon United Methodist Church Women have revived a program that the church had operated several years ago.  The Adopt-A-College-Student Program matches church members with youth of