May 26, 2021

Feenstra: Service Academy Application Process Now Open

Northwest Iowa — Iowa 4th District U.S. Representative Randy Feenstra of Hull has announced the 2021 application process for Iowans seeking a congressional nomination to a U.S. service academy is

Hawkeye Baseball Needs Strong Finish

Iowa City, Iowa — The Iowa Hawkeye baseball team hopes to improve its post season chances this weekend by closing the regular season with a three game series at Michigan

IABaseball First Position Rankings

Statewide Iowa — has released their season opening position rankings for Catcher, First, Second, Third, Shortstop, and Outfield. A few area athletes made the top 5 rankings.

USTR begins USMCA dispute panel on dairy trade with Canada

IARN — U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai Tuesday announced the U.S. has requested and established a dispute settlement panel under the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) regarding dairy trade. The request seeks

KIWA Marketplace For May 26th

KIWA Marketplace is on KIWA FM 105.3 Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 9:15 am Call during the program at 712-324-5377, text 712-324-2597, or email All items and garage sales

South American weather and crop update (5-25-2021)

IARN — Some relief rains are in Brazil’s weather forecast in the short term. In this week’s South American weather and crop update on the Iowa Agribusiness Radio Network, Allendale commodity