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Sheldon “Red Out” at Feb 7th Basketball Games

January 17 @ 12:00pm

On Friday, February 7th Perspective Insurance is sponsoring a “Red Out Night” at the Sheldon High School basketball games.

Show your support and order a t-shirt to wear to the game on February 7th! Orders and payment are due at the Sheldon High School by Noon on Friday, January 17th. An order form can be found below to be downloaded and printed.

There will be free sugar cookies to the first 96 fans to get to the gym and free popcorn for everyone during the game. There will also be a shooting contest at each varsity game for a chance to win $100.

Tickets will be sold before the games for $1 a piece or 6 tickets for $5. Your raffle tickets will also be used to vote for your choice of organization.

All proceeds from the evening will go to 1 of 4 local organizations. The four local organizations are:

  • East Elementary for slide repairs and water bottle stations.
  • Sheldon High School for the Back Pack program that isn’t funded by the state.
  • Kaden’s Kloset  who supports foster and adoptive families, children in care, teens, expectant mothers and local families in need.
  • Love INC who receive requests for help from area agencies, churches or pastors, individuals, or families in need.

Red Out T-Shirt Order Form
