DOT Worker Killed When Hit By SUV Near Boyden

Boyden, Iowa — An employee of the Iowa Department of Transportation was killed this (Tuesday 7/21/20) morning in a traffic accident near Boyden.

Sioux County authorities report that shortly after 9:00 Tuesday morning a 2017 Chevrolet Equinox, driven by 94-year-old William Plantage of Sheldon, was westbound on Highway 18, about one and one-half miles west of Boyden. An employees of the Iowa Department of Transportation Highway Division, 64-year Lynn Roder of Ashton, was standing in the westbound lane with a traffic stop sign, signaling westbound traffic to stop or slow ahead of a road construction area. Deputies say the Plantage SUV struck Roder on the roadway.

Roder was transported by the Boyden Ambulance to Sanford Sheldon Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead as a result of his injuries.

Deputies estimate damage to the Plantage vehicle at $4,000.

Sioux County Deputies were assisted at the scene by the Boyden Ambulance and the Iowa State Patrol.

Authorities say the crash remains under investigation.
