Freak Accident In Alton Sends Woman To Hospital

Alton, Iowa– A Hull woman was taken to the hospital after a freak accident in Alton on Sunday, July 16, 2023.

The Orange City Police Department reports that at about 2:30 a.m., 22-year-old Edgar Garcia Escobedo of Hull was seated in the driver’s seat of a 2021 Chevy, which was parked in the handicapped space of the Alton Community Center in in Alton. They tell us that he was arguing with his 22-year-old girlfriend, who was standing by the open driver’s door, and was trying to stop Garcia Escobedo from driving because she felt he had had too much alcohol to be driving.

The report says that Garcia Escobedo accidentally pressed on the accelerator, causing the vehicle to jump the curb and hit the handicapped parking sign and a flagpole with the driver’s door. It says that caused the driver’s door to sandwich the girlfriend between the door and the car, causing minor injuries.

The Alton Ambulance took her to the Orange City Health System Hospital.

Garcia Escobedo’s Chevy sustained $8000 in damages, and the flagpole had about $50 in damages.

Garcia Escobedo was charged with failure to maintain control.
