Sioux City Woman To Federal Prison For Meth Conspiracy

Sioux City, Iowa — A woman who conspired to distribute methamphetamine was sentenced on Thursday, in federal court in Sioux City.

According to federal prosecutors, 38-year-old Jennie Kazena, from Sioux City, pled guilty on February 18th of this year, to conspiracy to distribute methamphetamine. Kazena was previously convicted in federal court of conspiracy to distribute and possession with intent to distribute methamphetamine back in February of 2010.

Prosecutors say that between January 2019 and October 2019, Kazena and others distributed more than 150 grams of actual (pure) methamphetamine and more than 10 pounds of mixed methamphetamine overall in the Sioux City area.

Kazena was sentenced to 126 months’ imprisonment and must serve a term of seven years of supervised release following imprisonment. There is no parole in the federal system.

