Trooper: Tall Corn Requires Motorists To Use Extra Caution

Northwest Iowa — We’re entering the time of year when northwest Iowa’s corn is, to borrow a line from a song, “as high as an elephant’s eye.” Each year the tall corn presents challenges for drivers in rural areas, especially on gravel roads, where the crop comes so close to the intersections.

Iowa State Patrol Sergeant Vince Kurtz says the tall corn contributes to several crashes each year at this time.

Sergeant Kurtz says being a defensive driver can go a long way toward helping you avoid a crash.

You may have driven the same rural road for years and never encountered another vehicle at an intersection, but Kurtz say that doesn’t mean you won’t encounter one today.

He says one way to check for an approaching vehicle at a gravel intersection is by looking for dust being kicked up by another motorist, but that’s not foolproof.

Sergeant Kurtz says his best advice is drive defensively, slow down and expect the unexpected.


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