Northwest Iowa — It’s the start of a new year, and let’s face it, many of us have just finished grazing our way through the holidays, eating too much, and the wrong kinds of foods. For many, this situation is compounded by the fact that they fell off the exercise wagon during the holiday period.
Greta Giese is the Coordinator of the Lifelong Learning and Rec Center at Northwest Iowa Community College in Sheldon, and she say this is a common time each year for people to begin to rejuvenate themselves physically.
If you’ve gotten out of the habit of exercising, Giese says the first most important thing is to just start moving.
She says one key to a successful exercise regimen is never miss a Monday.
Giese says that, while exercise is important, it’s only part of the formula for success.
And, she advises that, before you begin any exercise regimen, you should consult your doctor.
Giese says if you want to begin exercising, start by making a commitment to yourself to start walking 20 to 30 minutes each day. She says it’s simple, and almost anyone can do it.