After This Storm Passes, Nicer Weather On Horizon

Northwest Iowa — With all the rain melting the snow and causing lots of flooding in the area, and now more snowfall, you’ve got to be wondering, “what next?” Well, the good news is, things start calming down weather wise.

We talked to the new Warning Coordination Meteorologist at the National Weather Service in Sioux Falls, Peter Rogers. He tells us the forecast couldn’t be better. It slows down the melting, while still keeping us on a trek toward spring.

But, he says, flooding is certain to continue for a while.

We asked if we’re about done with snow now until fall.

While the weather service doesn’t put as much stock in long-range forecasts as short-term ones, if the prediction can be believed, it looks like nicer weather may be in store, says Rogers.

Rogers replaces Todd Heitkamp in the Warning Coordination Meteorologist role at the Sioux Falls office. Heitkamp is now the Meteorologist-In-Charge at that office. Rogers says he will be doing the Storm Watch training around the area this spring, starting the last week of this month. He’ll be coming to NCC in Sheldon in April.

