Sheldon, Iowa — The Community Blood Bank’s All-American Blood Drive that was held in Sheldon Monday saw forty-one people donate a pint of blood each.
As of 1:00 pm Monday 22 units of blood had been donated, with another 19 units being donated Monday afternoon. Blood donors in Sheldon saved up to 123 lives with their donations Monday, since each unit of blood donated can save up to three lives.
Community Blood Bank Executive Director Ken Versteeg says this blood drive was very important due to the large demand for blood products in recent weeks. He says the All-American Blood Drive is the most critical drive for Sanford Sheldon Medical Center because it builds up their supply heading into the summer season. And he says all of the blood donated in Sheldon Monday will go directly to the Sanford Sheldon Medical Center.
All-American Blood Drive donors got a t-shirt, a free sub sandwich meal, and a Taco John’s coupon in appreciation for their donations.
Original post 3:29 pm, 6/21/2019
Sheldon, Iowa — One of the most important blood drives of the year for the Community Blood Bank and Sanford Sheldon is Monday in Sheldon.
Community Blood Bank Executive Director Ken Ver Steeg tells us about the All-American Blood Drive.
He tells us the blood stays local.
According to VerSteeg, there are some other incentives to give blood too.
If you’re going to donate, they ask that you bring an ID with you, a list of medications you’re on, and a list of any foreign countries or cities to which you have traveled in the last three years. For more info, check