Area Emergency Managers Meet At Milford

Milford, Iowa — Emergency Managers from around northwest Iowa, including O’Brien County Emergency Management Coordinator Jerad Johnson, are meeting in Milford for the annual County Emergency Manager’s Spring Meeting.

According to Clark Christensen, an Executive Officer with the Bureau of Emergency and Trauma Services with the Iowa Department of Public Health, The IDPH, along with other state agencies will be showing their wares, and explaining to the Emergency Managers some of the state assets available to them should they need them during a disaster.

He says the IDPH will be displaying a portion of their Mobile Health Care Facility, or MHCF.  The MHCF could be used for a number of different purposes during a disaster, such as a medical treatment center.  In addition to the MHCF, the department has 4 Public Health Response Teams, or PHRT’s, Disaster Medical Assistance Team, Logistical Support Response Team, Environmental Health Response Team and the Iowa Mortuary Operation Response Team.  Each of those teams can be deployed to assist a local response during a declared event.

In addition to the area’s Emergency Managers, the IDPH has invited area hospital and public health staff to tour the MHCF while it is set up in Milford for this meeting.
The annual County Emergency Manager’s Spring Meeting at Milford will continue through Sunday at Camp Okoboji.
