Area GOP State Candidates Meet Voters In Gaza Event

Gaza, Iowa — A rare occasion occurred Tuesday Night in Gaza. The campaign trails of the 3 candidates for the new Iowa House District 5, and the 2 candidates for the new Iowa Senate District 3 converged for a forum at Producers Cooperative to field questions from the constituents as the candidates try to earn the vote.

The candidates for Iowa House is the incumbent, Dennis Bush of Cherokee, Tom Kuiper of Sibley, and Zach Dieken of rural Granville. Joining them were the two candidates for Iowa Senate, Lynn Evans of Aurelia, and Anthony LaBruna of Sanborn.

The candidates discussed a multitude of topics, ranging from what Constitutional Amendment they thought was the most important, the right to know in public education, School Choice and Voucher Programs, to Imminent Domain, and other topics

The final question the moderator asked was one that we put forth, which asked what uniquely qualifies the candidate for the office they seek.

Kuiper said that his unique qualification was his experiences in California and other parts of the world.

Dieken said that he can be trusted with the office because he is a firebrand Christian conservative.

Bush said that he brings a track record.

Evans said that he is running because Northwest Iowa is his home.

LaBruna said that he has a proven track record, discussing his working with Former Congressman Steve King and Former President Donald Trump.

As the forum ended, we caught up to each candidate and asked how they planned to keep in touch with constituents if elected.

Kuiper talked about a newsletter, phone number, and town halls.

Dieken said he enjoys sitting with people for coffee and discussing things. He would continue that practice as a legislator.

Bush said he would continue his practices to keep in touch with constituents by holding town halls and his newsletters.

LaBruna said he would keep in touch by having his number available to voters, and respond as quickly as possible.

Evans pointed out, among other things that he planned to keep in touch with constituents via Facebook.

The Republican Primary is on Tuesday, June 7th. Iowa has Closed Primaries, so to participate in a party’s Primary Election, you must be a registered voter with that party.

The new Iowa House District 5 includes all of Osceola, and O’Brien Counties, as well as parts of Cherokee County, including the City of Cherokee and Buena Vista County.

The new Iowa Senate District 3 includes all of Osceola, O’Brien, and Buena Vista Counties, as well as parts of Cherokee County, including the City of Cherokee, along with parts of Clay County, including the City of Spencer.

Here are some images from Tuesday evening’s event in Gaza (Photos by KIWA Staff)

Iowa House District 5 GOP Candidates: (left to right) Tom Kuiper, Zach Dieken, Dennis Bush (incumbent)

Iowa Senate District 3 GOP Candidates: Anthony LaBruna (left), Lynn Evans (right)

Story by KIWA’s Mark McHugh


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